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Monday 4 July 2011

Tepong boko ubi kayu - Kuih kelantan (Cassava /Tapioca kuih with coconut cream topping)

Tepong Boko Ubi Kayu -Talam ubi kayu ( Cassava/Tapioca pudding with coconut sauce topping)
It is cloudy out side and nak hujan.  Whenever  I crave for everything ubi kayu. Teringat musim( Boh di Kelate and) winter di Sydney when I were counting days waiting anxiously to The Tenth of July twelve years ago. During the final trimester of my first pregnancy my taste bud got out of control.Me wanting everything from Kelantan food.I even indulged in frozen durians which made a huge hole in his pockets, Aust 40 sebijik kecik je!!Durian on its own, durian dalam budu with plain rice ,solok lada (Arrgh!! Crave for solok lada pulak!! sapa suruh flash back!!) and ubi kayu rebus cicah sambal daging never taste so good that time :D..I ate like no other food,like no tomorrow :D Lucky our baby girl is safe and not toxicated with over dose Durians and cassavas :D.I guess all the food toxin  went to mommy..God knows I blooted to the max!Bruurp!! Here is one of my favourite kuih from ubi kayu whenever there was some balance from the ubi kayu rebus or 'tonyoh ubi kayu ( I'll share solok lada and tonyoh ubi next time :D )
Tepong boko ubi kayu berkepala santan.Jemput makan :D

Puding/ base-Kuih
1 large Ubi kayu Cassava(Tapioca) yeild 3 cups pulps.
1 cup sugar
 IDEALLY -- 12 pieces pandanus leaves ( process with 2 cups water in a food processor to get 2 cup pandan green extract) but since I run out daun pandan,I just used yellow food colouring
1/4 tsp salt

Coconut cream topping (Kepala santan)
Thick coconut cream from 1  coconut -fresh or
200ml thick coconut cream /milk KARA
300ml water
2-3 tbsp rice flour
1/4 or 1/2 salt tsp to your taste

What to do

A.How to make the topping ( Kepala santan)
1.Mix rice flour with some water,stir until no lump,run through fine sieve,mix with the rest of ingredients for topping, cook on slow flame,stir until thicken.

B.Prepare a steamer, and boil water.

C.Preparing the puding/base/tepong boko

2 ways you can get the cassava/tapioca pulp:
1-Easiest-Remove the skin,clean,cut it into half lengthways,remove the vains,cut into smaller pieces, process in a food processor/blender (with a little bit of water) to a smooth pulp.
2-Or remove the skin, clean BUT DO NOT CHOP,easier to hold,grate it finely.
3.No need to squeeze the water from the pulp like you have to do for Bingka this kuih/puding is meant to be jiggly/lembik.
4. Mix ubi parut/blend/smooth pulp in a mixing bowl together with all puding ingredients(pandanus extract and salt) mix well.
5.Grease a tray/loyang/boko-(Have I told you she got her name from the tray?-kelantanese call this tray boko:D).Pour the mixture and steam until done around 30 minutes.
6.Scoop to serve and top it with coconut cream sauce.

After a few trials I prefer to cook this kuih in a casserole dish,lid on, in a microwave on 10minutes high on steam mode.It tastes as delicious as steam on  the stove.Just faster and less cleaning.What a bliss:D

Bonn appetit

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